Use case for reading a practitioner resource

API use case

This page describes a single use case. For complete details and background please see the Foundations Capability Bundle.


  • GP Connect utilises TLS Mutual Authentication for system level authorization
  • GP Connect utilises a JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to transmit clinical audit and provenance details

API usage

Request operation

FHIR relative request

GET /Practitioner/[id]

FHIR absolute request

GET https://[proxy_server]/https://[provider_server]/[fhir_base]/Practitioner/[id]

Request headers

Consumers SHALL include the following additional HTTP request headers:

Header Value
Ssp-TraceID Consumer’s TraceID (i.e. GUID/UUID)
Ssp-From Consumer’s ASID
Ssp-To Provider’s ASID
Ssp-InteractionID urn:nhs:names:services:gpconnect:fhir:rest:read:practitioner-1

Payload request body


Error handling

Provider systems SHALL return a GPConnect-OperationOutcome-1 resource that provides additional detail when one or more data fields are corrupt or a specific business rule/constraint is breached.

For example, the:

  • Logical identifier of the resource is not valid/can’t be found on the server.

Refer to Development - FHIR API Guidance - Error Handling for details of error codes.

Request response

Response headers

Provider systems are not expected to add any specific headers beyond that described in the HTTP and FHIR® standards.

Payload response body

Provider systems:

  • SHALL return a 200 OK HTTP status code on successful execution of the operation.
  • SHALL return Practitioner resources that conform to the CareConnect-GPC-Practitioner-1 profile.
  • SHALL populate the following Practitioner fields:
    • meta.profile with the profile URI
    • versionId with the current version of the Practitioner resource.
    • identifier with relevant business identifiers (for example, SDS User Id) for each Practitioner resource.
    • name
      • If the practitioner is represented with structured data such that the family name can be determined (this should be the case when they originate from an internal system) this data SHOULD be used to populate name including name.text MUST not be populated
      • If the practitioner is not represented with structured data or the family name can not be determined (this may be the case when they originate from an external system), name.text MUST be populated with the full name
    • gender where available
    • nhsCommunication with the practitioner’s language information, where available
  • SHALL meet General FHIR resource population requirements populating all fields where data is available, excluding those listed below
  • SHALL NOT populate the following fields:
    • telecom
    • address
    • birthDate
    • photo
    • qualification
  "resourceType": "Practitioner",
  "id": "15",
  "meta": {
    "versionId": "636064088099800115",
    "profile": [
  "identifier": [
      "system": "",
      "value": "111122223333"
  "name": [
      "family": "Black",
      "given": [
      "prefix": [
  "gender": "female"